Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Stupid 1973 Energy Crisis.

If there is such a thing as a PhD in GoreTex, I was sure Richard would have it. Maybe Graham had found my blog and had already moved on to brighter candidates. I couldn't be sure how it happened, but the jig was up. I had been outted and Graham was calling all of his HR buddies, making sure they burned my resume upon receipt. I was so worried I even emailed him, suggesting that my cellphone reception might be bad, so why not call this land line instead. For 45 minutes, I jumped everytime the construction vehicle down the street shifted into reverse.

Most cities in most states in our country set their clocks forward every Spring. Flagstaff, AZ isn't one of them. The interview went fine. No mention of my apparent doppelganger. (Or am I his? How does the doppelganger refer to his fleshy counterpart?) I (we?) even have a follow-up appointment this Friday.

To set my conscience at ease, I set out on stalkernet to find Richard. There is a Chemical Engineering Richard with a uniqname very similar to mine. He's a bit of an all-star. Won awards and whatnot. Alumni. Doesn't live in Flagstaff. In short, the glass pocket protector fits. My only consolation is he doesn't seem to have a profile on the alumni career page. I do, and the job Graham forwarded me is also posted there. Still -- if all goes well -- I might have to send the guy a bottle of champagne and a hand mirror with a headshot pasted to it.

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